It’s a bit more complicated than that, but I’ll try to explain in a simple way without getting too technical. The core of our app is the UI component, which is responsible for the actual rendering of the UI. It has a view property that points to the root of the view hierarchy, and a template property that points to the root of the template hierarchy. There are several methods in AppCore that work together with the UI component to create the UI, but it’s important to remember that the UI component is a component in its own right, and the AppCore framework is responsible for binding to the UI component for us. The UI component has a template property that contains the HTML markup that will make up the UI, and a view property that contains the HTML markup that will be rendered onto the screen. In the above code, we’re defining a button component with a text placeholder property, a div with a button style property, and a button template property. Now, let’s say that we wanted to add some text to the button. We don’t need to know anything about the button’s HTML, so we can just use a string property. But there’s another problem. We have a template property that points to the root of the template hierarchy, so we can’t use a string property to pass the text. 文字列プロパティを使ってテキストを渡すことはできません。